According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, between one and two million Americans 65 years or older have been injured, exploited or otherwise mistreated by someone they relied on to care for them. Unfortunately, it’s been estimated that about two-thirds of all senior abusers are family members. In addition, the NCEA says that for every one case of elderly abuse reporting, five cases go completely unreported.
So how does one go about elderly abuse reporting when family is involved? Coping with emotional or physical trauma caused by abuse can be difficult enough, but the prospect of elderly abuse reporting when family is involved can be nothing short of terrifying.
Elderly Abuse Reporting: Why Family Members?
So why are most elderly abusers family members? Well, studies suggest that many abusers who are family members are financially dependent on the resources the elder has available. In addition, research suggests that abusers also have drug or alcohol-related issues.
A family member may abuse the elderly by inflicting physical pain through violence. A senior could also be subjected to emotional abuse via psychological tactics. As mentioned earlier, a family member may try to improperly use funds, property or assets, thereby exploiting the senior.
If you’ve experienced any of the previous things, elderly abuse reporting is critical to getting the help you need. Elderly abuse reporting on a family member will not be easy, but it will ultimately be necessary to ending the abuse once and for all.
Elderly Abuse Reporting: Who do I Turn To?
What programs are available for elderly abuse reporting? As outlined earlier, elder abuse is a common and growing problem in the United States. However, there are plenty of strong options available for elderly abuse reporting.
If the abuse is so severe that you feel you that there is a clear and present danger to your health and well-being, dial 9-1-1 or contact your local police department instantly. The police will remove you from the situation and take the necessary steps to ensure the abuse stops immediately.
Services like the NCEA, the National Adult Protective Services Association and the National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse were all created in part to deal with elderly abuse reporting when family is involved.
Each state has a form of Adult Protective Services that have toll-free phone numbers for elderly abuse reporting. A lack of absolute proof is okay if you suspect abuse is taking place. All calls are confidential and you are never required to give your name.
Elderly Abuse Reporting: You’re Not Alone!
Elderly abuse reporting takes a substantial amount of courage and strength to begin with; elderly abuse reporting when a family member is involved can be even scarier. The aforementioned agencies and authorities are here to remind you that you are not alone.
The cycle of abuse can end with a phone call. Though placing the call will always be simple, these organizations understand it may not always be easy. The days of elderly abuse reporting falling on deaf ears are over.