Elder Abuse Arizona

Unfortunately, thousands of reports flood into the Adult Protection Services center about abuse in Arizona. Estimates suggest that the number of elder abuse in Arizona is much greater than what is being reported. Most of the time, the only thing preventing elders from seeking help is fear. If you know someone or someone close to you that is suffering from elder abuse, it’s up to you to stand up for them. Elder Abuse Arizona: Statistics According to the Arizona Attorney General, Tom Horne, negl...

Financial Elder Abuse Illinois

Financial elder abuse is a rapidly growing problem amount the 60+ age groups in most states. Year after year, thousands of elderly people are being cheated out of their money by either their family members or people in positions of authority over the, Most elders don’t report the issue, they see it as a sign of weakness and even blame themselves for their loss. The state of Illinois has made amazing strides over the last few years to educate bank employees and other financial service workers on ...

Elder Abuse Illinois

With the general rise in Elder Abuse as a result in the increase of the elderly population, states are being forced to reevaluate their laws and regulations on the subject. Illinois is just one of many states that have been seeing an increase in elderly abuse. The most common form of abuse is neglect, but there are more subtle and more violent types of abuse against the elderly, the leading problem in Illinois seems to be neglectful abuse. Elders from Illinois should know that there are plenty o...

Financial Elder Abuse Georgia

Financial elder abuse in Georgia has become a rampant problem in the state. Too often, elders fall victim to financial fraud or theft by intimidation. These crimes are often perpetrated by a close family member and go unreported. Seniors are in the mindset that being a victim is something to be ashamed of. The truth is that this has become an epidemic in the U.S. and the people suffering need to receive aid for the various government and special interest organizations that have been set up to as...

Elder Abuse Georgia

Since 2012, Georgia has seen a rise of their elderly population, jumping up roughly 1 percent each year since. The elder population seems to be growing more rapidly in comparison to the rest of the state. The result is also a rise in reports of elder abuse in the community. If you or someone you know is a victim of elder abuse, know that Georgia has a large pool of resources, statutes, and organizations that can help you recover. Reports of abuse vary from state to state, with neglect, physical,...